ConfigSpot – OpenBullet2 Guide

Install .NET 8.0

Download and install .NET 8.0 from the following link:

Download .NET 8.0

Download Our Program

After completing your purchase, download the program provided to you.

Extract and Run

Extract the downloaded files to a folder, then run OpenBullet2.Native.exe.


Enter the username and password provided after your purchase, and click the “Login” button.

Load Your Combolist

Navigate to the “Wordlists” tab, then either drag and drop your combolist or add it manually by selecting the type as “Default”.

Set Up Proxies

Go to the “Proxies” tab and click “Add Group”.

Name your proxy group and select it.

Click “Import” and upload your proxies. The format should be: IP:PORT or IP:PORT:USER:PASS.

Create a Multi-Run Task

Go to the “Jobs” tab and click “New”.

Create a “Multi Run” task.

Click the “Select Config” button and choose the configuration you want to run.

Click the “Select Wordlist” button and choose your combolist.

Start Your Task

Once everything is set, confirm all selections and click on the task to highlight it.

Press the “Start” button.

Congratulations! Your checker is now running.


Q: How can I tell if a config is broken?

A: If you are only getting banned results and the number of invalids isn’t increasing, the config might be broken. You can report it by using the “Report Config” button.

Q: Where can I find quality combolists and proxies?

A: We offer combolists and proxies tailored to your needs. Visit our store:

Visit Our Store

Q: Can I use the program on my home computer?

A: Yes, you can. However, we highly recommend running the program on an RDP for 24/7 availability.

Q: How can I request a custom private config?

A: You can contact me on Telegram: @Cessy_dev. I create private configs based on your needs. Prices typically range from $20 to $40. If the requested config isn’t feasible, I can also develop a Python checker for you. I don’t make Akamai, PerimeterX, DataDome sites.